As a necessary conclusion Saw 3D hits the mark. It summarily wraps up loose ends Saw fans care about. But the writers could have been more creative in its use of past characters including Jigsaw himself, John Kramer. Along the same lines there was too much coldblooded killing which doesn’t fit with Saw lore and Jigsaw’s purpose. This sort of gaff is sloppy and indicative of a rush to put greater emphasis on traps than story. Altogether the film is satisfying and cringe inducing in quality 3D. Saw fans will love it; anyone else dragged along will have their eyes closed.
Final Destination is a reminder of our mortality.
‘It Follows’ still lurks.
The Parenting Review: It starts off as a fun horror-comedy with a great cast, but loses its charm halfway through. The laughs fade, the scares feel predictable, and by the end, it’s just another forgettable haunted house story.
An alright review but I'm still waiting till it comes to blu ray.
Never cared for the Saw films, first was good but it has run its course now.