James McAvoy is currently in the "exploding" process. He’s been working for a while fairly under the radar, but since his work in Atonement we’ve barely been able to keep him out of the news. With three films already on the books, McAvoy has now added a fourth.
In the latest subscription issue of Production Weekly it was announced that James McAvoy and Mila Kunis will star in an upcoming film called Taravella. We know you love both actors, but don’t get too excited. Taravella is described as “a romantic comedy with a supernatural twist” which already makes it sound too much like the Sarah Michelle Gellar piece Simply Irresistable for me to take it seriously. Quite a leap from Atonement, X-Men: First Class, or his upcoming Lincoln film The Conspirator.
The latest mystery flick Luckiest Girl Alive starring Mila Kunis comes out soon on Netflix.
James McAvoy becomes the Riddler in Matt Reeves' The Batman in this cool new fan art that imagines the X-Men star joining the DC universe.
How much did the movie follow Stephen King’s novel? Here’s a look at what plotlines from the book made it to the movie. **Spoiler Alert**