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Dealing with 'Fantastic' Disappointment

Moviefone: You wait in line for what seems an eternity and a half before reaching the ticket counter. You produce your badge from under the George Romero tee-shirt, already sticky with the remnants of a humid Austin morning, and triumphantly call out the titles of the films for which you will be needing tickets. These are films you spent all night reading about in the guide in and wrestling with the b-side website in a stressful attempt to maintain your six movie efficiency.

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-Mezzo-5001d ago

Ahh, Clash Of The Titans comes to mind.

JL5001d ago

Umm...I don't get it. You do realize this article isn't about movies that disappointed right? It's about going to Fantastic Fest, going to get his tickets for the movies he had picked out only to be told they were sold out. So he had to settle for going to see movies he hadn't even heard of really. But in the end it turned out good because the other movies he initially wanted to see he knows all about from others talking about them so much. Whereas the ones he got to go see, nobody talks about so he wouldn't have known about them, and turns out they were really good movies in his opinion.


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