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Trailer - Ghost [Remake] (Gosuto: Mo Ichido Dakishimetai)

NipponCinema: "Yesterday, a new trailer was released for Paramount’s upcoming Asian remake of Ghost. I’m pretty sure most people are fairly familiar with the original 1990 Hollywood version starring Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore, so it makes more sense to go over the differences—most of which are made glaringly obvious in the new footage."

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5276d ago
darklordzor5273d ago

You know, I just watched 'Ghost' on TV over the weekend, and was surprised that I couldn't turn the channel. I was hooked. It's an older film sure, but there's something about it that still grabs your attention. I don't think this remake will be able to pull off the same magic, and the differences don't exactly look like changes for the best either. Then again, will we even see this here in the States?


Teaser - Ghost [Remake] (Gosuto: Mo Ichido Dakishimetai)

Early last week, a teaser was released for Paramount’s upcoming Asian remake of Ghost. The new footage clarifies an important fact about the remake that has largely slipped under the radar since the project was first announced back in May—that Nanako Matsushima will actually be playing the ghost role originally played by the late Patrick Swayze and Korean actor Seung-heon Song‘s character will be more in line with the Demi Moore part. Also, a recently released production still shows veteran actress Kirin Kiki taking over the psychic medium character originally portrayed by Whoopi Goldberg.

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Song Seung-heon to Star in Remake of 'Ghost'

Actor Song Seung-heon will appear alongside Nanako Matsushima of Japan in a remake of the Hollywood blockbuster "Ghost".

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jwalkerz5414d ago

this will be matsushima first come back movie and its a hollywood remake

darklordzor5413d ago

I just don't know about a remake of that movie. The first was really pretty good for what it was. I'm interested to see what angle they take on it.