Hollywood: Matt Reeves' magnificent Let Me In is an Americanized adaptation of Let the Right One In, a Swedish horror film which itself is based on an acclaimed novel by John Ajvide Lindqvist (also Swedish). As such, its setting has been moved from frigid Scandinavia to the more familiar but no less frigid Los Alamos, New Mexico, a town depicted as so bleak and uninviting as to provoke a lawsuit from the state’s tourism commission.
When the production of Let Me In was announced, the general consensus of Let The Right One In fans was that Matt Reeves and Hammer Films had some serious ‘splainin to do.
Let Me In is a haunting, provocative remake and in some ways is better than the original.
Clickonline writes "October’s weird. In no other month do we celebrate its death by scaring the excrement out of ourselves. It’s a noble and dignified tradition.
The Halloween film is a generously nebulous term incorporating the bulk of the horror genre. Yet certain aspects of this horrific holiday mimic the unsteady shuffle of the undead – they’re not easily avoided!"