TwitchFilm: FYI: Trolls are fond of bridges. Also caves, woods and various and sundry other locations, all of which you will find them lurking within in the full trailer for Andre Ovredal's upcoming moc-doc The Troll Hunter (Trolljegeren). Anticipation has been building exponentially for this one as the troll footage has trickled out over the past weeks and I do believe this should rocket things sky high. The Norwegian version of the trailer arrived yesterday and Twitch is proud to premiere the English version of the trailer now.
Via Deadline comes the news that Chris Columbus' 1492 Pictures has acquired the remake rights to the Norwegian horror movie, which uses a worked shoot, "found footage" approach to tell the story of a bunch of students who go, well...troll hunting. It's basically a Scandinavian Blair Witch Project, which has always sounded like money in the bank to us, if it weren't for the fact that everyone was speaking Norwegian of all things.
Anders Wotzke reviews the Norwegian mock-doc The Troll Hunter (Trolljegeren) from writer/director André Øvredal.
Is it a fresh take on the found-footage genre or just another rip-off of The Blair Witch Project? Watch to find out!
We’ve been bringing you the first images from films that will premiere at the Sundance Film Festival in January, and today we’ve got images from a couple of ridiculously fantastic films that will be featured under the festival’s Park City at Midnight banner: Hobo with a Shotgun and Troll Hunters.
Hmm, looks mildly interesting in a weird kind of way. Looks pretty good for an indie film as well. My qualm though is they're starting to run this whole shaky cam/faux-documentary style movies into the ground.