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NY Timeout - Waiting for “Superman” Review

NY Timeout - Gather round, students, for a lesson about America’s piss-poor educational system: Too many teachers are letting kids slide by with far-below-minimum requirements. Johnny can’t read; neither can Juan or Jamal, as certain neighborhoods are cursed with public schools that prove we do, in fact, live in a class-based society.

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Winter's Bone Scores Big at Gotham Independent Film Awards

Couch Potato Club:
The winners of the 2010 Gotham Independent Film Awards have been announced after the ceremony on Monday night. Stanley Tucci and Patricia Clarkson hosted the awards which marked the 20th anniversary for the ceremony. The biggest winner of the night, though, was the critically-acclaimed Winter’s Bone.

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Shakefire: Waiting for "Superman" Review

Among 30 developed countries U.S. students rank 25th in math and 21st in science. In poverty stricken area’s of our own country the drop out rate is 60% and children in these area’s will know more people that have gone to prison then have gone to college. To make matters worse the heart of our schools, the teachers, have become so heavily guarded by unions that they can choose to sleep through class without consequence. Some do. Waiting For “Superman” takes a look at the numbers and talks with a wide variety of people from educators to politicians while following the lives of a few children and their parents, all looking to find the right setting for education. Directed by Davis Guggenheim (An Inconvenient Truth) this documentary will frustrate you, frighten you, but in the end give you hope that things can change for the better and for our children.

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NC Times Movie Review: Waiting for Superman

North County Times: "No easy answers are offered in the powerful and much-discussed documentary "Waiting for Superman," but the determined film presses on, to strong emotional effect.

Davis Guggenheim, the Oscar-winning director of "An Inconvenient Truth," returns to education with his new documentary, in some ways following up on "The First Year," his documentary of a decade ago detailing the lives and careers of teachers in their first year of service."