NY Timeout - The mind-fucking starts immediately: End credits run backward over flashing strobe lights and punishing sonic droning. Then come the opening credits—seriously—whizzing by at warp speed in what seems like 197 different variations of a neon font.
This week, That Movie Podcast will be reviewing the new film by Gasper Noe- Enter the Void. In their Snob vs.Slob debate they will be pitting the Coen Brothers classic- Fargo against Oscar hopeful- Winter's Bone. In their segment, Drinking the Cinematic Kool-Aid they will be discussing Funny Games and its cult cred.
We Got This Covered takes a look at the new film Enter The Void. If there was ever a two minute opening credit sequence that could grab you and not let go, it’s from Gaspar Noé’s Enter the Void. The film is unique and unlike anything you've ever seen before, prepare to experience something totally different.
Empire Online: Like Noé provocation Irreversible, Enter The Void is technically stunning, a kaleidoscopic head-fuck of extreme cinema that pulls in everything from 1947 POV noir The Lady In The Lake to the space trips of Kubrick’s 2001.