THR: You might have guessed that if Werner Herzog ever made a 3D movie, he would use it to explore art, spirituality and the nature of humanness. "Cave of Forgotten Dreams" is that movie.
By some miracle, Herzog gained permission from French authorities to film inside the renowned Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc Cave discovered in 1994 in the south of France, which Herzog in his narration deems, with justification, "one of the great discoveries in the history of human culture." So fragile are the prehistoric drawings -- the earliest known human art -- and the cave floor with its meticulously preserved bear tracks and bones, that only a few scientists have ever been permitted to enter.
Known as one of the world’s most renowned and prolific filmmakers, German born director/ writer/ producer and all around genuine character Werner Herzog has covered the spectrum of the human condition in both feature and documentary films, with titles such as Aguirre: The Wrath of God, Fitzcarraldo and Grizzly Man part of Herzog’s impressive body of work.
Herzog’s latest film is Cave of Forgotten Dreams, a 3D documentary which explores the ancient mystery of the Chauvet Cave, an area in Southern France first discovered in 1994 that contains the oldest cave paintings known to man.
With a small crew, the latest 3D technology and a limited amount of time Herzog explored the Chauvet Cave, taking in its time defying beauty and pondering whether this was the place which marked mans attainment of the human soul.
Matt’s Movie Reviews was fortunate to speak to Werner Herzog in a direct call to his Los Angeles residence about Cave of Forgotten Dreams, the rise of 3D in cinema, and hi...
Cave of Forgotten Dreams is a fantastic film. The images captured in the ancient cave are mesmerizing, and Herzog and his crew deliver on nearly all counts.
It looks like something I would enjoy a lot. My husband and I watch the history and discovery channels all the time. Even when the movie 300 came out the was a 2 1/2 hour documentary of the acutal 300 on the history channel. It was just so good and I couldn't believe some of what I learned.
I will be watching this Cave of Forgotten Dreams