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Premiere - Easy A Review

Premiere - Olive (Emma Stone) is your typical teenage nobody. As a bright student and level-headed friend, there’s nothing remotely sensational about her. She gains notoriety, however, when her made-up story about losing her virginity spreads to every cell phone and passed note in her high school. This prompts a bullied gay classmate to beg her for a fake fling. Olive agrees, but of course, it doesn’t stop there. Loser upon loser propositions her until Olive’s life mirrors the book she’s reading in English class, The Scarlet Letter.

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Every Resident Evil Movie, Ranked

Resident Evil is one of the most successful video game to movie adaptations ever, spawning an entire series. Using IMDb ratings, we find the best one.

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10 Box Office Flops That Put Their Creators In Director's Jail

Sometimes a movie stinks so bad upon its release that directors have a real difficult time escaping it, so much so they end up in director's jail.

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Parthenope (2025) Review

"Parthenope" is made for those who use the word cinema as it seeks out to appear like a modern adaptation of a literary classic.

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