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Premiere - Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Review

Premiere - A popular video game turned movie that's much more exciting, entertaining, and playful than the trailers would have you believe. Gyllenhaal goes full-on action hero in this big-budget desert romp, and is equally matched by the gorgeous Gemma Arterton as a not-so-helpless princess. Established actors Ben Kinglsey and Alfred Molina also get to ham it up and easily keep pace with actors half their age. The main problem is one that also plagued Jerry Bruckheimer's Pirates of the Caribbean films: They're too long and overwritten. (To be fair, this doesn't have nearly as many dead spots as the Pirates trilogy.) Story is the most important part of any film, but two hours is pushing it.

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Every Resident Evil Movie, Ranked

Resident Evil is one of the most successful video game to movie adaptations ever, spawning an entire series. Using IMDb ratings, we find the best one.

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Mike Flanagan's The Dark Tower Needs to Introduce This Vital Character In Its First Season

Jake Chambers is a vital character that needs to be included in The Dark Tower series adaption.

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How This 90s Comedy Changed The Rom Com Genre Forever

There’s Something About Mary was way more important to the rom com genre than you remember.

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