THR: Will Ferrell does a serious turn in "Everything Must Go" with mixed results. Playing an alcoholic at a crucial crossroad in his life, he uses his middle-age slacker persona well to convey a guy lost in his own immaturity and low self-esteem. And he nicely finds humor in an otherwise pathetic situation. But the performance is too one-note. Using an acting muscle hitherto ignored, Ferrell isn't able to track the ups-and-downs in the story's dramatic beats. Instead he falls back on physical humor and facial expressions that don't quite get to the bottom of what ails his character.
Capsule Computers writes:
While the storyline is very strong in itself, it is the shining performances from Ferrell and Wallace that give true meaning to, and highlight the fragility of life no matter what your background. It is a tremendous relationship of learning and understanding between one character who has complete control over his decisions but chooses to self-destruct and another who has very little control but is resilient and accepting. There are some moments of true sadness, where the tone of the film changed from sympathy and sadness to reveal humans in their lowest form as Nick begs for alcohol from passers-by outside the Liquor store. It’s hard to watch this kind of a scene without being reminded of and forced to think about alcohols role in society as an accepted product. There is also a nice twist at the end of the film and it was welcoming and refreshing not to have the typical happy fairytale ending, but rather be left with a still somewhat desolate character whose journey is far from over.
Player Affinity writes: There's a point in almost every comedian's career at which he decides it's time to get serious. Adam Sandler had Punch Drunk Love. Jim Carrey had The Truman Show. Robin Williams had Dead Poet's Society. Now, Will Ferrell has Everything Must Go, now out on DVD.
LRA writes: We are a two man crew this week with Miguel out doing more important things with his life. But Brian and I hold down the fort with some quick comments on the hit television show Glee and the new Will Ferrell film Everything Must Go. Then we lay the ground work for our discussion on the new Kristen Wiig comedy Bridesmaids by giving a full description of our theatrical experience while watching the film. While we do come to the conclusion that perhaps our personal views towards the movie had been tainted by an overly talkative audience member we still came away from the film mostly positive in the end. Featured music this week is from the "Bridesmaids" motion picture soundtrack and the band "AC/DC".