JPP: Certain celebrities, when they've reached a certain zenith in their... celebritiness, are capable of shedding their status as a human being, trading up to become something more timeless: an icon. Elvis Aaron Presley died three decades ago, and now when people recall him, it is often as a pop culture pillar, more so than an actual person who lived, to the point where his music is near irrelevant. His image instantly recognizable regardless, and so is his first name alone.
TNS: "As each new entry struggles, Sony's Spider-Man Universe seems prepared to breathe its last after Kraven's first hunt."
Get in, loser, because Regina George isn’t the baddie she’s made out to be in Mean Girls.
TNS: "Dune director Denis Villeneuve lost interest in Star Wars way back in the '80s, and it's not the only franchise he's publicly disavowed."