Stephanie Jacobsen (Melrose Place) has joined SyFy's drama pilot Three Inches as a regular. The project, from Fox TV Studios and Landscape Entertainment, centers on Walter (Noah Reid), a twentysomething underachiever who acquires a seemingly worthless superpower after getting struck by lightning: he can move any object three inches with his mind. He goes on to recruit a team of fellow heroes, each with their own less-than-spectacular abilities. Jacobsen, repped by APA and Global Creative, will play one of them, Watts, a beautiful “super” hero who has the ability to shape the emotions of anyone she meets at close range.
Discover when and how to watch Star Wars: Skeleton Crew on Disney+. Premiere date, streaming times, and all you need to know about this exciting new series!
The British reality series Dragons' Den has been around for longer than Shark Tank, but is it superior to its American counterpart? Here's our take.
One Tree Hill’s Dan Scott tormented family and friends to solidify himself as the worst of the worst in teen drama.