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JPP: Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Review

JPP: Satire works best when it focuses its jibes on a target that takes itself seriously. One of the big problems with Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is that it takes aim at video games. And video games are just that: games. They aren’t meant to be heady art. Director Edgar Wright’s previous two films (Shaun of the Dead; Hot Fuzz) were hysterically funny because they were satirizing proper, established film genres. Video games are a hard target because they are so chaotic and over-the-top by design.

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CMDobson5294d ago

I was kindof middle of the road one my views when I watched this. For the most part, I agree about the game aspect..but at its heart I still thought it was a cute story.


The Monkey Takes The Stephen King Tale To Gory Comedic Heights - Skewed 'n Reviewed

Skewed and Reviewed had lots of good things to say about the gory new film that has lots of surprising humor.


Love Forever Review: Adorable, But Haven't We Seen This All Before? - K-waves and Beyond

Love Forever Review: The movie has some adorable moments, some humour, and a nice, fuzzy conclusion but nothing new that will make it memorable.

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The Dungeons & Dragons TV Series Survived Its Death Save and Dimension Doored Over to Netflix

TNS: The Dungeons & Dragons TV series perished at Paramount, but Deadpool director Shawn Levy rolled up the show's new sheet on Netflix.

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