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AC: Eat Pray Love Review

AC: It's not Julia Roberts that destroys Eat Pray Love. It's the story, the characters and the grueling 133 minute runtime. The book by Elizabeth Gilbert, on which the film adaptation is based, has become a best-selling memoir and a highly regarded work, but the translation to the big screen is dull, boring and largely unaffecting. It tries to impress upon female liberationists the ideas of salvation, finding oneself and releasing guilt, but it ultimately looks like a mid-life crisis solved by good luck, extravagant food and plenty of money.

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Every Resident Evil Movie, Ranked

Resident Evil is one of the most successful video game to movie adaptations ever, spawning an entire series. Using IMDb ratings, we find the best one.

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10 Box Office Flops That Put Their Creators In Director's Jail

Sometimes a movie stinks so bad upon its release that directors have a real difficult time escaping it, so much so they end up in director's jail.

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Parthenope (2025) Review

"Parthenope" is made for those who use the word cinema as it seeks out to appear like a modern adaptation of a literary classic.

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