Aubrey Plaza isn’t just a girl who spells her name with a "b" instead of a "d." She’s the current champion of eye-rolling on TV (as sarcastic intern April on Parks and Recreation) and now film. In the comic-book adaptation Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, she plays Julie Powers, whose expletive-filled rants against Scott (Michael Cera) are one of the film’s best running gags. We spoke with Plaza about working on a movie with a cult following, seeing Scott Pilgrim at Comic-Con, and the nascent love between Parks and Rec's April and Andy.
Hot take: You can love both. Yep, it’s not illegal. No need to pick sides, people—your heart’s big enough!
Show fangs for what the Twilight cast has been up to after Breaking Dawn.
The McCallisters in Home Alone might be the worst parents of all time.