CinemaBlend: The plot of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World is not what you would call complicated: a young man must defeat the former exes his new found love in order to win her heart. It’s not exactly Inception. But what has many hesitant about the film is the way it's influenced by video games. Certainly a culture of its own, gaming has an impact on the movie in many ways, apparent even from the opening production logo.
An epic of epic epicness.
As Edgar Wright once said, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World is like a nursery rhyme to slackers of the past, present and especially the future.
All of Edgar Wright's films are. Scott Pilgrim is definitely an underappreciated work.
Shaun of the Dead’s Edgar Wright directed this quirky gem nine years ago. Starring a star-studded cast that includes Captain America Chris Evans himself, his fellow Avenger Brie Larson, and one-time Superman Brandon Routh, Scott Pilgrim is a movie filled with up-starts. Here’s a look at where are the cast now.