DVD Talk:
Over the last five years, British comic genius Ricky Gervais has built quite the cinematic resume. As if cementing his pop cultural legacy with The Office and Extras was not enough, Gervais and, to a lesser extent, his creative partner Stephen Merchant, have seized their opportunity to make a handful of idiosyncratic, startlingly thoughtful comedies. Cemetery Junction is not one of those, unfortunately. A grab bag of coming-of-age cliches undermines the able cast, just as Gervais and Merchant's seeming sentimentality undoes any hints of fresh thinking in this well-worn genre. Rent it.
TNS: The first Resident Evil movie is a remnant of a bygone era, but even that unique virulent strain of action horror has its upsides.
Rory McCann joins Ahsoka Season 2 as Baylan Skoll, replacing the late Ray Stevenson. Discover what this means for the Star Wars saga’s future!
Don’t sit on a throne of lies for day 11 of Romancemas.