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7 Roles Michael Cera Shouldn't Play

HolyTaco: Michael Cera is quickly becoming this generation’s Jack Black, which is ironic because Jack Black is also this generation’s Jack Black and the two actually made a movie together. Point is, Michael Cera plays the same guy in every role he’s ever had, and we all know it. If you type in “plays the same character” in your Google search bar, it will attempt to correct it to “Michael Cera plays the same character”. I’m not even joking, it really does that.

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Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Cast: Then and Now

Shaun of the Dead’s Edgar Wright directed this quirky gem nine years ago. Starring a star-studded cast that includes Captain America Chris Evans himself, his fellow Avenger Brie Larson, and one-time Superman Brandon Routh, Scott Pilgrim is a movie filled with up-starts. Here’s a look at where are the cast now.

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'Twin Peaks' Full Cast Revealed: Amanda Seyfriend, Michael Cera & Over 200 More


Showtime, David Lynch, and Mark Frost reveal the full cast for the new season of 'Twin Peaks' coming in 2017.

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-Foxtrot3220d ago

Damn...Michael Cera....REALLY. Urgh

Glad a lot of them are coming back but Harry Truman isn't :(

His banter with Cooper was great

coolbeans3220d ago

Cera's quirk COULD be utilized well by Lynch here.


Michael Cera To Voice Robin In 'Lego Batman'


Michael Cera has inked a deal to voice-star as Robin, Batman’s partner-in-crimefighting, in Lego Batman, Warner Bros.’ spinoff of The Lego Movie.

The film reunites much of the behind-the-brick talent from Lego Movie and features Will Arnett returning as the voice of the Dark Knight.

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-Foxtrot3505d ago

It's shocking but hey look on the bright side least it's not Batman vs Superman

I honestly thought it was with the way an article was titled on facebook. My phone was small so it just said "Michael Cera Cast As Robin in Batman..."

Nearly had a heart attack

But yeah, it's a shame but least he won't have to grace us with his same old crappy acting. I honestly wonder how he became this popular to be honest, although I think being a background character on Arrested Development helped.

04roacht3504d ago

If he was playing a live action Robin in BvS then we would have a real issue on our hands.

Yi-Long3503d ago

I believe this is great casting. Just imagine Batman being all dark and serious, and Michael Cera being Michael Cera as Robin, just bouncing off that with dead pan retorts and arguing over the plan of action, complaining about the outfit, etc etc.

I actually believe this would work really really well, unless they completely mess up in the writing department.

StarWarsFan3503d ago

I think it's safe to say Robin is going to be a wimp.