Hollywood Collectibles are taking pre-orders for replicas of the viruses used in the Resident Evil films.
Daily Video Game writes: "If you are a fan of Resident Evil and Middle Earth movies, the online retailer Amazon is offering up to 38% off on Resident Evil: The Complete Collection and Middle Earth 6-Film Ultimate Collector's Edition 4K Sets right now!"
Daily Video Game writes: "The online retailer Amazon is offering up to 46% off on Resident Evil, The Lord of the Rings, Transformers, Back to the Future, and Star Trek: The Original 4K Collection UHD sets right now! If you’re a fan of these movies, make sure to take advantage of them now at Amazon!"
Daily Video Game writes: "Amazon has good news for Resident Evil fans! Resident Evil The Complete Collection 4K ultra HD set is on sale with 27% discount right now!"