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TV Recaps: 14 Highlights From the Week Ending AUG 6, 2010

EW: ''Real Housewives'' hit D.C., ''The Bachelorette'' finds true love, and Taylor got the boot on ''The Rachel Zoe Project.'' If you missed any of our daily TV summaries, catch up now with our takes on the juiciest moments!


Franchise Wars: Star Trek, Star Wars, or Dune?

When it comes to sci-fi sagas, Star Wars, Star Trek, and Dune have dominated the conversation for decades. Each franchise has captured the hearts of different g


Shogun: A Must-Watch Historical Drama

This masterful play blends action, history and visual feasts in a truly riveting manner


Star Wars: Rebels Celebrates 10 Years – A Decade of Adventure and Legacy

Celebrate 10 years of Star Wars: Rebels! Discover how this iconic series expanded the galaxy with unforgettable characters, stories, and lasting impact.

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