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InsightBits Review: The Other Guys

IB writes, "The Other guys is a buddy cop movie starring Will Ferrell and Mark Whalberg who play a forensic accountant and a detective stuck to a desk job due to an embarrassment. Soon as the movie begins, the place to become the top duo cops in the city arises and gives them an opportunity to prove themselves. But before you go and say "oh no not another buddy cop movie", you should know that this movie makes it work. "

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The Monkey Takes The Stephen King Tale To Gory Comedic Heights - Skewed 'n Reviewed

Skewed and Reviewed had lots of good things to say about the gory new film that has lots of surprising humor.


Love Forever Review: Adorable, But Haven't We Seen This All Before? - K-waves and Beyond

Love Forever Review: The movie has some adorable moments, some humour, and a nice, fuzzy conclusion but nothing new that will make it memorable.

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The Dungeons & Dragons TV Series Survived Its Death Save and Dimension Doored Over to Netflix

TNS: The Dungeons & Dragons TV series perished at Paramount, but Deadpool director Shawn Levy rolled up the show's new sheet on Netflix.

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