Once every so often a film hits cinemas and changes the landscape forever. Whether it is through the use of special effects, star power, scripting or acting, some films are immediately lifted to the pantheon of greats and set a new precedent. The Matrix set the tone for post-millennial Hollywood with its dizzying mix of computer graphics, story and mythology building – at least until those two awful sequels surfaced. This past year may have witnessed two such landmark events. December 2009 saw the release of Avatar, the special effects spectacle that broke box-office records. Summer 2010 has Inception.
Resident Evil is one of the most successful video game to movie adaptations ever, spawning an entire series. Using IMDb ratings, we find the best one.
Sometimes a movie stinks so bad upon its release that directors have a real difficult time escaping it, so much so they end up in director's jail.
"Parthenope" is made for those who use the word cinema as it seeks out to appear like a modern adaptation of a literary classic.