JPP: This over-the-top, wacky series, which airs on Cartoon Network, is anything but a traditional comic spin-off. Everything, from the animation style to the usual brooding heroes and villains were thrown out the window to give viewers an idea of what those famous 2-inch Hasbro Marvel figurines would do...given they had the same opportunities as their more aesthetically pleasing counterparts.
Kanan Jarrus died in Star Wars Rebels by sacrificing himself to save his crew. He used the Force to hold back an explosion, ensuring their escape.
Congratulations to Ahsoka on winning the Creative Arts Emmy for Outstanding Fantasy/Sci-Fi Costumes! Discover more about the series' first Emmy victory.
How Star Wars: The Clone Wars went from being disliked to beloved through deep character development (Ahsoka, Anakin), epic storylines, and emotional growth.