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Director Affinity: Christopher Nolan

Simon Brookfield of wrote: "Class, passion and creative integrity are quickly becoming the exception rather than the rule, as over the past decade, big budgets and countless soulless rehashes dominate Hollywood products. The widely accepted “greats” of cinema will soon be behind us (or in many cases already are)."

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Assumedkilla5331d ago

He's definitely a shining light in a dark field. We need less Michael Bays/James Camerons and more people like Nolan who can create an inventive, original, and complex story without it being convoluted or pretentious.

deathstriker5330d ago

I can wait to see Inception in the next day or two. It seems like it's going to be the only great summer movie this year, especially since Iron Man 2 was disappointing.


Love Forever Review: Adorable, But Haven't We Seen This All Before? - K-waves and Beyond

Love Forever Review: The movie has some adorable moments, some humour, and a nice, fuzzy conclusion but nothing new that will make it memorable.

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The Dungeons & Dragons TV Series Survived Its Death Save and Dimension Doored Over to Netflix

TNS: The Dungeons & Dragons TV series perished at Paramount, but Deadpool director Shawn Levy rolled up the show's new sheet on Netflix.

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10 Actors Who Turned Down The Lord Of The Rings Franchise

Decades later, it's interesting to think about how different "The Lord of the Rings" franchise could have looked like had certain actors been casted.

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