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Cinema Blend Review: Inception

Cinema Blend:

Inception is a movie about ideas, quite literally-- stealing them, creating them, their power and their ability to linger. But this is a Christopher Nolan movie, so of course it's about Big Ideas, about reality and heartbreak and choosing how to best live our too-brief lives. The fact that Inception is also fun and emotional and thrilling, even with all those eggheady concepts wrapped inside it, makes the movie a true marvel. It's not quite perfect, but it's uncommonly ambitious and courageous, which is close enough.

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Love Forever Review: Adorable, But Haven't We Seen This All Before? - K-waves and Beyond

Love Forever Review: The movie has some adorable moments, some humour, and a nice, fuzzy conclusion but nothing new that will make it memorable.

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The Dungeons & Dragons TV Series Survived Its Death Save and Dimension Doored Over to Netflix

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10 Actors Who Turned Down The Lord Of The Rings Franchise

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