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Chris Columbus sought out for 'Superman'?

A supposed insider from Warner Bros. is claiming that an offer to direct the new 'Superman' movie has been extended to Chris Columbus; the 'Harry Potter' and 'Percy Jackson' director.

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mediafrenzii5339d ago

I wasn't too big on the last Superman that came out. Maybe I'm in the minority on this one?

darklordzor5339d ago

Actually you're in the majority as most people didn't like the last film. Personally I loved it, but I know I'm mostly alone on that one. But with Nolan behind it guiding its progress I'm sure this one will rock...just in time for them to lose the rights and possibly not make a second one.

Smokeyy905339d ago

Pretty sure you are in the majority. I know alot of people who did not care for the new one. Hopefully they can redeem themselves.

CMDobson5339d ago

I agree. It's bound to be a good one with him heading up the project.

SertyGee5339d ago

This sounds like a bad idea. Do we want a kids version of Superman?

josephgomez5339d ago

ugh... so over superman as a franchise.

darklordzor5339d ago (Edited 5339d ago )

Don't say that! There's still potential there for the franchise, and I think Nolan can bring it back...but not with this director. Hell I'm even willing to give Bryan Singer another chance.

5338d ago

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