During the past fifteen years, Pixar Animation Studios changed the way we view animation films. With each film they released, the bar was raised in terms of storytelling. After ten films, they have yet to fail critically or financially. This summer, Pixar released Lee Unkrich’s Toy Story 3 with much anticipation from fans of the Toy Story series. Like many threequels in the past, they have the tendency to fail to live up to the expectations from the public. Was Toy Story 3 able to successfully tell a great story and end the series on a high-note?
Get in, loser, because Regina George isn’t the baddie she’s made out to be in Mean Girls.
The Invisible Raptor stretches a single concept into a full-length feature film, and it doesn't work.
TNS: "Wicked is a funny movie with great performances and musical numbers, but it isn't without a fair share of issues."
I applaud your review and from the looks of it our view of it was very mirrored. I also did a review at a site i work for and you sould pm me to see how similar our views are. good article!