Tom Cruise returns to the spy genre, and while the action is fun to watch, it's nothing that hasn't been seen before. With so many other spy flicks out there doing it better, this movie might be better off as a rental.
Resident Evil is one of the most successful video game to movie adaptations ever, spawning an entire series. Using IMDb ratings, we find the best one.
Sometimes a movie stinks so bad upon its release that directors have a real difficult time escaping it, so much so they end up in director's jail.
"Parthenope" is made for those who use the word cinema as it seeks out to appear like a modern adaptation of a literary classic.
I didn't expect a whole lot out of this one.
The comedy works surprisingly well for me here. Diaz and Cruise have good chemistry. The action is a bit silly.
I really had hopes for this film, I wanted to see another good Tom Crusie movie (despite his personal choices I love him as an actor), but this one just didn't do it for me. It wasn't terrbile, but I wanted more than mediocre.