Premiere: He just received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. He's prominently credited in some of the most important movies of the last 40 years. So why hasn't there been more fanfare surrounding the death of Dennis Hopper?
Rolling Stone: So what to say about Dennis Hopper, dead just 12 days after his 74th birthday of complications from prostate cancer? A wise man? A kind man? That would be bullshit, man.
Inside Movies: Dennis Hopper, who passed away from prostate cancer on May 29, 2010, at 74, was one of our most recognizable stars who managed to turn a string of perennial outsiders, misfits, and deranged characters into the embodiment of our worst nightmares and sometimes even our own best hopes. Anytime he appeared on screen, he was an outright scene stealer, the visual equivalent of walking into a gas station with a lit match. His characters weren't always pleasant, but they never let us look away. Here are 10 roles that stood out.
On Episode 66, Sam, Geoff and special guest Jordan discuss the passing of Dennis Hopper and Gary Coleman, The Hobbit Holdup, Robin Hood, Lost and Dexter. JAxel and Jon Liu join in via the Ustream chat channel and cheer on the hosts through gaming news, The Weekly Whatchas and The Indie Game Roundup.
Had a great movie convo this weekend with a friend we will call...M. M was describing a trailer he saw, trying to remember the name of the movie:
M, "So it's like this whole counterculture movement, against the Paris Hiltons and Nicole Richies and their tiny dogs, because this girl has a big dog. So it's like this coming of age story for this girl, and she has a big dog -"
C, "Marmaduke?"
M, "Yeah!"
C, "Pretty sure that's just about a big dog."
Yeah, have him watch the trailer and then try and make some counterculture statement! Hah!
The legitimate reason: Despite his incredible talent, remarkable uncompromising vision, and natural artistic ability it cannot be denied that Dennis Hopper was an insufferable prick when it came to both his professional and personal lives.
He was difficult to work with, his drug problems consistently were a headache to his costars, his directors, and his producers. He was argumentative, often thought he knew more than everyone else, and was at times so manic and out of control he cost studios hundreds of thousands in lost dollars on sets.
Dennis Hopper was entertaining and remains one of my favorite actors to watch, namely for his energy and his character portrayals. But anyone who worked with him will agree: Much like Ty Cobb in baseball, it doesn't matter how many home runs, stolen bases, or pennants you win...if you're an a**hole, few will honor you once you are gone.
In the least, he got a remarkable funeral and a headstone to remind us that he was here and he contributed to the artistic vision of the human race. Fair trade.