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Playeraffinity: Get It Watched! - The Border

Get It Watched! highlights some of the unsung heroes of the small screen; the lesser known programs that people often overlook. I’ll be looking at shows not just from the US but also from the UK, Canada, Australia and other English speaking countries and each edition will feature a different recommendation and rundown of what you are missing. Please, please recommend your own picks for shows you feel are the orphan children of broadcasting, because I am only one guy (albeit one with stunning good looks and incredible intellectual insight).

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Love Forever Review: Adorable, But Haven't We Seen This All Before? - K-waves and Beyond

Love Forever Review: The movie has some adorable moments, some humour, and a nice, fuzzy conclusion but nothing new that will make it memorable.

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Game of Thrones: Every Battle Fought On The Kingsroad

What happens on the Kingsroad in Game of Thrones?

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The Dungeons & Dragons TV Series Survived Its Death Save and Dimension Doored Over to Netflix

TNS: The Dungeons & Dragons TV series perished at Paramount, but Deadpool director Shawn Levy rolled up the show's new sheet on Netflix.

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