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TMP's most ridiculous story of the week: 'Rubber'

One of the films being shown at this year's Cannes Film Festival is a throwback to 70s horror films and uses one of the strangest antagonists ever featured in a movie: a serial killing car tire.

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Rubber (2011) - Popzara Review

A film that could have worked on its gloriously absurd premise alone, but reaches too far in its efforts to make a commentary on filmmaking. Full review by Chris Pandolfi.


Blu-Review - Rubber ( "As the film begins with a car slowly driving down a desert path, knocking over a collection of ornate chairs carefully arranged along the road as it goes, before pulling to a stop as one of the characters nonchalantly climbs out of the trunk to address the audience with a list of beloved, respected movies containing plot elements that exist for no reason, it becomes clear that Rubber isn’t your ordinary movie. And that’s before you remind yourself that it’s a movie about a killer tyre."

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H&T Podcast Episode 26: Rubber & Paul

David Weaver from Home And Theater writes: This is it, our final episode of the Home & Theater podcast has arrived. Starting next week we are transferring over to our new home at The LRA Show, which is the official podcast for But I think we are going out on a high note with the two films we have for you this week. Once again we are joined by Brian Salazar from The SEC and we start with a look at the new Simon Pegg/Nick Frost comedy "Paul" where we liked it overall but don't think it lived up to the pedigree of their past films. Then we move into a discussion for Quentin Dupieux's "Rubber", a film about a killer tire that goes on a murderous rampage through a small desert town. I think this is probably the most divisive film we have ever talked about with feelings ranging from best film of the year to complete slack jawed boredom and disbelief. One thing is for sure though, none of us have ever seen anything quite like it. Featured music this week is from the "Rubber" motion picture soundtrack.

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4874d ago