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6 Changes that should be made to Star Wars on Blu-ray

With the recent announcement made at C2E2 about the full Saga's release on Blu-ray it's inevitable that even more changes will be made. To prepare, here's a list of changes that should be made on the upcoming release.

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How to Watch Star Wars in Chronological Order: The Best Viewing Order Explained

Discover the best ways to watch Star Wars! From chronological to Machete order, we explain how to enjoy the full Star Wars saga, including TV shows and spin-offs.

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Franchise Wars: Star Trek, Star Wars, or Dune?

When it comes to sci-fi sagas, Star Wars, Star Trek, and Dune have dominated the conversation for decades. Each franchise has captured the hearts of different g


Star Wars: Rebels Celebrates 10 Years – A Decade of Adventure and Legacy

Celebrate 10 years of Star Wars: Rebels! Discover how this iconic series expanded the galaxy with unforgettable characters, stories, and lasting impact.

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