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Alita movie sequel won't happen unless we act now

Alita didn't do great in the cinemas, and in light of recent controversy, Disney are washing their hands of it. An Alita movie sequel won't happen, unless...

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BrownRanger2012d ago

Anyone know how the home media sales are going?

Inzo2012d ago (Edited 2012d ago )

"Alita didn't do great in the cinemas"

I disagree. Yes it barley made its money back but it did way better than originally expected.

"The Independent contributor, Adam White, wrote an article painting the vast majority of the movie’s fans as alt-right"

These jouranalists are pathetic, this ia all a ploi to protect "Captain whats her face" there are thousands of POC that love Alita including me because its not pushing some agenda, its just a damn good story that has stayed true to the source material.

KwietStorm_BLM2012d ago

So barely making it's money back means it did do great?

Inzo2012d ago

You miss the point. This movie did just over $400 million but was predicted to make only $200 million.

JL29302011d ago

You must not be familiar with how the film industry works. It's a pretty basic thing to know drawing even has always been a bad thing in eyes of studios, regardless of the quality of the film.

JL29302011d ago (Edited 2011d ago )

Just like any corporation, their main objective is to make money and not necessarily good films. That is the reason why you get things like 20 Fast and Furious sequels and spinoffs.

KwietStorm_BLM2012d ago

Well how am I missing the point if you just left out the numbers? Regardless, I guess it's up to perspective whether or not drawing even is doing great.

2012d ago
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