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Oliver Stone Interviews Putin in The Aptly Titled The Putin Interviews


There are few directors as divisive as Oliver Stone. While he's well-regarded as a great craftsmen and storyteller, his politics oftentimes overshadow his otherwise great filmmaking abilities. Even if you're not the biggest fan of his, he has an impressive oeuvre, including the Oscar-winning Platoon and Born on the Fourth of July. Though, as divisive as Stone is, he doesn't hold a candle to Putin. And apparently it seems that - over the course of several years - Stone has been traveling back-and-forth to Russia to conduct Q&A sessions with the controversial Russian leader.


40 Years Later, Ghostbusters Proves To Be A Lightning-In-A-Bottle Original That Can’t Be Replicated

40 years after its release, we look back and everything that made Ghostbusters so amazing–and how it can never be replicated again.

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"Texas Chainsaw Massacre Pinball" for "Pinball M" Review \\ paulsemel

This horror movie-inspired virtual pinball table is a bloody good time (sorry).

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rpad9d ago

wow. that looks just like my pinball-torture basement!


Perfect Match Season 2 Review: Known Faces and Rauncy Debauchery Offer Entertainment | Leisurebyte

Perfect Match Season 2 Review: Perfect Match is more of the same, with nothing worthwhile to remember.

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