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Atlanta is the Most Original Comedy Since Master of None | Screenshank

Atlanta, FX's latest comedy, has received widespread acclaim, and rightfully so. It's arguably the most original comedy show since Netflix's Master of None.

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blackblades3037d ago

I enjoy it, the jail scene in the 1st episode was hilarious.

EazyC3037d ago

I didn't really like MoN, would someone who enjoys It's Always Sunny, or Curb Your Enthusiasm like this?

dunnyone3037d ago

I'd say at its most serious, Atlanta resembles Louie or even Girls - in its comedic moments it feels more like MoN. It's not "cringe-humor" like Always Sunny or Curb, but it is really funny, and only 25 mins of your life per episode.


Paatal Lok Season 2 Review - K-waves and Beyond

Paatal Lok Season 2 Review: Despite its minor flaws, the series is definitely an interesting follow-up.

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Back in Action Review: Missed Opportunity Despite Its Flashy Action - K-waves and Beyond

Back in Action Review: All in all, this movie is a somewhat disappointingly missed opportunity that never really capitalises on its potential, leaving the viewer with little to remember when the credits roll.

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Star Wars: Skeleton Crew Reviw | RPadTV Episode 88

The latest Star Wars live-action series has wrapped up and the nerds at RPadTV are here to have a nerdy discussion about Star Wars: Skeleton Crew. Joining host Raymond Padilla are videogame journalist Paul Semel and Turtle Beach’s MacLean Marshall. The three will discuss what they liked and didn’t like about Star Wars: Skeleton Crew in a review video full of treasure, whimsy, and mayhem (or maybe two of those things).

Discussion topics include what the three thought about the mystery of At Attin, comparisons to The Goonies, how the show fits in with other Star Wars projects, the child actors, Jude Law’s mysterious character, and why the show resonates with some fans while leaving others flat.