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Mr. Robot "succ3ss0r.p12" Review - AVClub

AVClub: Darlene wanted this to happen. That’s the simplest answer, the Occam’s razor explanation for the murder of Susan Jacobs this week on Mr. Robot. Viewers were no doubt slapping their foreheads during the first act of “succ3ss0r.p12,” wondering how the crew could be so stupid as to allow such a fundamental fuckup to happen. The owner of the house you’re squatting in returns, and nobody saw it coming? Nobody remembered to “check the GPS,” as they mention? This collective of roughly half a dozen people brought the global economy to its knees, and one of the top players in Evil Corp strolls through the front door in the middle of their plan. On a lesser show, this would just be the result of clumsy storytelling, a way to shoehorn in the desired outcome for advancing the plot. But here, the justification is hidden in the seams of Darlene’s personality. She wanted Susan Jacobs dead, and this was how to make that happen. Occam’s razor slices away all competing ideas, to leave only the most logical one remaining. Darlene’s razor sliced away the competing ideas and left a body.


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