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Wayward Pines "Blood Harvest" Review - AVClub

AVClub: At this point, season two of Wayward Pines is shaping up to be the television equivalent of an entry in the Mission: Impossible film franchise. Each of those films featured a different director, and as a result—despite increasingly maintaining the same ensemble surrounding Tom Cruise—each installment has its own specific style and tone. It’s recognizably the same universe with every subsequent film, but there’s a new flavor to each one, a distinction that makes them stand out, for better and worse.


40 Years Later, Ghostbusters Proves To Be A Lightning-In-A-Bottle Original That Can’t Be Replicated

40 years after its release, we look back and everything that made Ghostbusters so amazing–and how it can never be replicated again.

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Perfect Match Season 2 Review: Known Faces and Rauncy Debauchery Offer Entertainment | Leisurebyte

Perfect Match Season 2 Review: Perfect Match is more of the same, with nothing worthwhile to remember.

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Hierarchy Review: Gripping Narrative with a Lot of Twists and Turns | Leisurebyte

Hierarchy Review: This kdrama shines and delivers a well-crafted romantic thriller mystery that is undeniably an interesting watch.

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