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Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige on Nick Fury’s Return and Taking Control of Spider-Man

Hey U Guys

Captain America: Civil War is days away, and excitement is at an all-time high as a result. When we caught up with Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige at the UK premiere in London earlier this eve…

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dauntingpixel3160d ago

not sure wwhat happened to the actual kevin feige interview. it was the first video posted to this but it's pretty big news knowing that marvel has total control

coolbeans3160d ago

Don't know how he did it, but the guy deserves some medal for not having to spend one red cent to Sony for the type of creative control they regained from the deal.

imtiyaz63160d ago

Just watched the film. Absolutely brilliant! Especially the ending. Another fine work from the Russo brothers after 'The Winter Soldier'. Remember to watch the 2 post credit scenes, guys. P.S. Aunt May is hot now which kinda feels weird.


Yes, You Can Love Both James Gunn’s Superman and Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel

Hot take: You can love both. Yep, it’s not illegal. No need to pick sides, people—your heart’s big enough!

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A Jean-Claude Van Damme Straight-to-DVD Actioner Is Killing It on Streaming

Jean-Claude Van Damme suffered a slump in the 2000s, best exemplified by projects like In Hell, which is currently doing great on Paramount+.

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Where Are They Now? Grading The Twilight Cast’s Careers After The Vampire Saga

Show fangs for what the Twilight cast has been up to after Breaking Dawn.

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