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Girls "Queen For Two Days" Review - AVClub

AVClub: One of the recurring themes of contemporary feminism is the notion that women are too nice, that societal pressure has taught women that they’re expected to be as selfless as possible while men are congratulated for taking whatever they want. Pantene made waves some years back with an ad campaign asking why women are constantly apologizing for taking up space in the world. And sure, the underlying message is somewhat blunted when the takeaway is “Don’t apologize for buying a crapload of our shampoo,” but it was such a big deal because a major retail brand thought “Stop apologizing all the time” was a message that would land hard with today’s woman.


40 Years Later, Ghostbusters Proves To Be A Lightning-In-A-Bottle Original That Can’t Be Replicated

40 years after its release, we look back and everything that made Ghostbusters so amazing–and how it can never be replicated again.

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Perfect Match Season 2 Review: Known Faces and Rauncy Debauchery Offer Entertainment | Leisurebyte

Perfect Match Season 2 Review: Perfect Match is more of the same, with nothing worthwhile to remember.

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Hierarchy Review: Gripping Narrative with a Lot of Twists and Turns | Leisurebyte

Hierarchy Review: This kdrama shines and delivers a well-crafted romantic thriller mystery that is undeniably an interesting watch.

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