AVClub: Plausibility is never going to be a priority for House Of Cards. Even in a crazy election year like this one, the idea of a sitting president choosing his wife as his running mate requires a certain suspension of disbelief. Frank Underwood knows that, too, and pulling it off will entail implementing the sort of long con that makes the show so pleasurable when it’s at its best. Reality takes a back seat when the Underwoods get to plotting and scheming.
Keanu Reeves almost starred in Star Wars: The Acolyte as a gladiator Jedi, with early concept art featuring his character, Sol, on Klatooine. Discover what could’ve been!
Discover the best ways to watch Star Wars! From chronological to Machete order, we explain how to enjoy the full Star Wars saga, including TV shows and spin-offs.
J.C. Lee's Bad Genius looks like a teen comedy on the surface – and it has its comedic moments – but it's a powerful analysis of the school system and how money buys power and privilege.
And yet it's still way more realistic than this year's GOP Primary.