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An R-Rated Batman V Superman Is Bad News For Superhero Movies


This author is of the mind that an opinion piece should make the opinion in question crystal clear, so here it is: The idea of an R-rated “adults only” movie about Superman is a perversion.

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WizzroSupreme3227d ago

It'll be fine – it's just R on the DVD. Calm down and go back to sleep, folks. Nothing to see here.

-Foxtrot3227d ago

It's just on the DVD and I'll make a bet with you guys right now there will hardly be any difference. Probably Batman will say "Oh shit" when Doomsday fires his heat vision at him and the like.

Just a way to jump on the R rated band wagon Deadpool has helped create.

uncharted563225d ago

First of all do you realize that this movie has been complete and ready for months now. They probably decided that they will add the extra scenes on the blu ray version and got a R rating for it a month ahead of the movie release out aka the movie has been complete for a bit now this not a jerk reaction of them to deadpool's success.

RetrospectRealm3225d ago

Lolwut? "Shit" is acceptable in PG-13 films. Guess you've never seen the Fast & Furious films.

Sketchy_Galore3225d ago

Fine then, He'll say "Fuck me! That motherfucker just nearly blew my cock off with that fucked up crazy ass heat vision shit he's got coming outta his eyes!"

rainslacker3225d ago

Last James Bond movie had "oh sh*t" said several times. Found it rather lazy myself, particularly from Bond who tends to be wittier than that.

annoyedgamer3225d ago

You can say that in PG-13 films, even up to 2 f-bombs.

In the old days before we became sissies, nudity and foul language was allowed in PG films.

CobraKai3225d ago

Keep in mind, what passes for R ratings nowadays, is really PG13 but with an extra cuss word.

Silly gameAr3225d ago (Edited 3225d ago )

I don't know. Deadpool was pretty over the top with the violence. I still want to see an R rated Wolverine movie.

RetrospectRealm3225d ago

Lucky for you they're making one.

CobraKai3225d ago

Oh I agree. Although they shouldn't make an R rated Superman just to make one. Dead pool and Wolverine both stem from violent comic books.

Hold_It3225d ago

For a decent amount of comic book films an R-Rating has helped make the movie better. For the case of Daredevil, and The Wolverine, the theatracial versions were imo a 55/100, and I feel that the director's cut version of these film bumped them up to a 75/100.

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