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We Got This Covered | 'The 33' Review

We Got This Covered

Buried in The 33 is a very good film – possibly even a great one. That it’s undermined by its lack of focus perhaps points to what it was trying to achieve: to show a real-life disaster that occurred in recent memory, to do right by the miners and their families without appearing maudlin or predatory, and to tell an entertaining, cinematic story. Director Riggen might have been better off opting for something far less grandiose and more personal, focusing on the miners rather than attempting to tell a back and forth rescue narrative. The real story is there beneath the ground, and The 33 only tells a part of it.

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How Did Kanan Jarrus Die?

Kanan Jarrus died in Star Wars Rebels by sacrificing himself to save his crew. He used the Force to hold back an explosion, ensuring their escape.

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How Did Plo Koon Die? The Tragic End of a Jedi Master

Plo Koon was killed during Order 66 when his clone troopers, following Palpatine’s command, shot down his starfighter over Cato Neimoidia, marking the tragic end of the Jedi Master.

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How Did Yoda Die?

Yoda dies peacefully of old age in Return of the Jedi, becoming one with the Force after revealing crucial information to Luke. His legacy continues as a Force ghost.

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