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The Revenant Review - AVClub

AVClub: How many great scenes does it take to make a great movie? The Revenant, a ravishingly violent Western survival yarn from Alejandro González Iñárritu, has a healthy few, scattered like acorns across its two-and-a-half-hour canvas. The first is a harrowing woodland skirmish, as Ree warriors ambush a hunting party from all sides. Arrows whizz into frame and flesh. Musket fire sends sniping archers tumbling from the treetops. It’s like the D-Day invasion of Saving Private Ryan but in reverse, with the beleaguered troops retreating to the water instead of charging onto land. And that’s arguably just an appetizer for the sequence that arrives a few minutes later, when one of the survivors of the massacre, famous frontiersman Hugh Glass (Leonardo DiCaprio), stumbles into the radius of a mama grizzly and her cubs. He’s mauled half to death for his troubles, the grueling battle with the bear unfolding through one of cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezki’s signature single takes.


"Texas Chainsaw Massacre Pinball" for "Pinball M" Review \\ paulsemel

This horror movie-inspired virtual pinball table is a bloody good time (sorry).

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rpad4d ago

wow. that looks just like my pinball-torture basement!


10 LGBTQ+ Movies and Shows to Celebrate Pride Month With

If you're looking for something to watch this Pride Month, then check out these movies and shows celebrating unique LGBTQ identities.

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Movie Review: Bad Boys 4: Ride or Die – The Unexpected Cinema Experience

Last night, I had the absolute pleasure of attending the premiere of Bad Boys 4: Ride or Die with my ride-or-die best mates, and let me tell you, it was one of the most fun cinema experiences of the year! From the quality of the movie to the electrifying vibe of the cinema, everything about the night was extraordinary. The communal laughter, the spontaneous shouting at the screen—it was an experience that almost rivalled having an entire cinema to myself.

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