LA Times: If you think the long build-up to this week's release of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens," has been intense, try putting yourself in J.J. Abrams' shoes for a moment.
Abrams has loved the "Star Wars" universe from the beginning, since first seeing "A New Hope" in 1977 at age 11 (he would later use the name of that theater, Avco, as the code word for filming "The Force Awakens" in Abu Dhabi). He played with the Kenner toys. He dressed up as a Jawa for Halloween. His fan cred is unquestionable.
Missing You Review: This series has all the dynamics required to make it a good mystery drama: good actors, good story content, and good referencing from a best-selling author. However, it fails to do so due to poor narrative direction, which relies on an absence of direction, underdeveloped characters, and a characteristically poor representation of warmth on the parts.
Looking back at the history and legacy of Street Fighter: The Movie, 30 years after it was released in theaters.
Don’t sit on a throne of lies for day 11 of Romancemas.