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Jessica Jones "AKA Top-Shelf Perverts" Review - AVClub

AVClub: Kilgrave operates in the background for most of this season’s first half. The show focuses on how his influence affects others rather than making him a prominent presence on-screen, and when he does appear, it’s usually to do something quick and cruel or get knocked unconscious and thrown in the back of a van. The last episode started to devote more attention to the show’s villain by detailing his acquisition of Jessica’s childhood home, but “AKA Top-Shelf Perverts” is when we start to learn what drives Kilgrave and the lengths he’ll go to get what he wants. This is much to the series’ benefit, as it takes greater advantage of David Tennant, whose exuberant, suave, and deeply menacing performance makes Kilgrave a villain that is as compelling as he is despicable.

alycakes3077d ago

I watched this til the end and 'WOW!' was it good.


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