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Homeland "New Normal" Review - AVClub

AVClub: “New Normal” is an unfortunate title for a Homeland episode that hammers home the fact that the herky-jerky rhythms and off-pitch characterization that have plagued season five aren’t necessarily going anywhere. The pacing has been all over the place. Anytime it seems like the season is beginning to gain some momentum, there’s some kind of odd speed bump or scenic detour, and suddenly the story becomes abstract. There’s no real concept of a finish line or a specific shape that the story should take, and while it’s always wonderful to be surprised by a television show, surprises work best when the framework of the story is sturdy enough to trick you into thinking you know what’s coming. This season hasn’t had that, which is why so few of the surprises have landed. The only one that really worked was the initial reveal that Allison is working for the other side, and nothing has landed since. Not Saul’s escape or his quasi-defection, not the moment when Carrie was tipped off to Allison’s involvement by a screensaver, for God’s sake, not when Quinn went on an international beer run with a terror cell, only to find out that the beer was actually the active ingredients in Sarin gas. The season has seen a lot of interesting, provocative ideas, but they’ve been in search of a solid structure and an exciting plot.


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