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Jessica Jones: Episode 3 - "AKA It's Called Whisky" Review - IGN

IGN: So much sex! And no, I’m not offended. And yes, we see far more graphic depictions of sex on other shows on cable (and Netflix). But still, it’s difficult not to think, “Wow, this is Marvel show!” when you see Jessica and Luke passionately ramming into each other in so many scenes here, simply because it’s such a different use of what has become such a huge brand. But it works within the context of the show and these characters for sure, and so the idea that Jessica and Luke, already hot for each other, would really go crazy, bed breaking included, after finding out they each have superpowers is very amusing. And as a way to get Luke’s “Sweet Christmas!” catchphrase from the comics into the series, this sure worked well!


Ashley Madison-Sex Lies and Scandal Review | Leisurebyte

Ashley Madison-Sex Lies and Scandal Review: The documentary refuses to take a stand on whether or not it wants us to feel bad for cheaters, infuriating viewers with its wishy washy attitude.

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Outer Range Season 2 Review: Hole Up, More Questions?! | Leisurebyte

Outer Range Season 2 Review: This season is as insane and slow as the last part and doesn't attempt to answer any questions, while adding on to those of the last one.

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Monster Review: This Indonesian Flick Delivers Thrills and Chills on the Surface Level | Leisurebyte

Monster Review: While this film delivers elements of horror and thriller, they're only sporadically effective, leaving the overall experience falling short of expectations.

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