When Iron Man first hit cinema screens in 2008, no one at the time would’ve even had the slightest inkling that Marvel Studios would grow to be the cinematic titan it is today. Having spawned dozens of sequels, spin-offs and more, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has arguably become the most significant and bankable film franchise in recent memory.
This doesn’t come without its pitfalls however, and you don’t have to look far to see Marvel’s detractors make their thoughts known. Among the most common of criticisms levelled at the franchise has been its uniform approach to story telling, with many viewers begrudgingly making their way to new releases often at the expense of forced humour, undeveloped antagonists, and iffy CGI. These critiques haven’t gone away either, and have actually increased with each successful Marvel outing (even if there are exceptions – Winter Soldier to name but one).
TNS: "Ridley Scott will be taking a mysterious role on the next Alien project, but there's no telling what form that film will take."
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